The La Capra Goat Run (and in particular the 28km) offers a very unique setting amongst the rock formations in and around Paarl. Everything about the experience was top notch – particularly the organization.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, so here are some:
The first 8km or so is very up and down, so it’s wise to pace yourself. I was comfortably at the back of the pack for the first 5km, until I started passing some very tired looking legs.
Some of the sections are really steep – good places to “power hike” ie: walk
There are 1 or 2 water points along the way – but it’s best to assume none. Thankfully it wasn’t too hot.
After “The Wall” at roughly 8km, there’s about 10km of fairly easy undulating jeep track. Save your energy here – “The Beast” is coming!
Some of the unique scenery – HUGE protea bushes amongst rock outcroppings.
First glimpse of the “Paarl Rock”
up, up, up!!!
at the top
… then down, down, down (eina quads!!)
2km of flat before the last 3km which is steep downhill.
…. and thankfully there’s a tractor ride back to the car – legs are busted
Looks like a fantastic event - I'd love to do it someday! Lovely pics.