So it’s been quite a while since I’ve done any sort of respectable trail running, so after missing last year’s event due to flu, I was definitely looking forward to this year’s Two Oceans Trail Run through the trails of Table Mountain.
The start took place at the Upper Campus of UCT, St James Square. Pictured below is the A group – all the elite runners vying for the prize money.
All in all there were 400 registered runners for each of the trail runs – which were all sold out in under an hour.
Here’s a sample of some of the scenery we were blessed with in the early morning hours:
The start has a fairly steep ascent into the mountain until reaching one of the contour paths to make your way around the mountain.
spot the runners…
.. the single track means you have to be patient – and enjoy the scenery
..and some of the trail is not for the faint of heart
… the last couple of km’s I was rather tired, so pics from there was few and far between.
See below for the full album.